DC observes the Bicentenary of the Birth of The Báb
OCTOBER 2019 -- Washington, DC joined celebrations across the globe honoring the 200th anniversary of the Birth of The Báb, the Prophet...

Celebrating the 200th Anniversary of the Birth of the Báb - Video Stream
On October 28th, the Baha'i Community of Washington DC, along with their friends and neighbors, honored the 200th Anniversary of the...

Press Release: Bahá’ís Unveil Grave Marker for the D.C.'s First African American Bahá’í
(PDF version here) FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Bahá’ís of the Washington, DC Metro Area Unveil Grave Marker for Pocahontas Pope, the City’s...

Honoring Pocahontas Pope
On May 19, 2018, Bahá’ís in the DC metro area will remember Pocahontas Pope (1864-1938) — the first African American member of the Bahá’í...

Commemoration of Abdu'l-Bahá's 1912 Visit to Howard University's Rankin Chapel - April 2
On April 23, 1912, 'Abdu'l-Bahá – son of the founder of the Bahá’í Faith, Bahá'u'lláh – visited Howard University's Rankin Chapel to...

Meet the Washington DC Baha'i Community!
We are happy to share this video which introduces the Washington DC Baha'i Community and a few of its activities. This video was created...

Louis Gregory - An early Washington DC Baha'i
In 1912, American society practiced strict racial segregation. Blacks or “coloreds” as they were then known were second class citizens by...

Join us this Sunday for the Bicentenary Celebration
Join the Baha'is of Washington DC and their friends and colleagues this Sunday, October 22nd for the Bicentenary Celebration. More...

International Bicentenary Site Launched!
To share information and background on the Bicentenary from around the world, a new website has been launched by the Baha'i International...